South Bank – What to See and What to Do This Month

South Bank

The South Bank area is always alive with creativity and things to see and do, all fostered by a lively, modern atmosphere that just makes the South Bank feel like a cool place to be. It’s also attributable to the fact that many theatres, cinemas and exhibition spaces call the South Bank home.

So, if you’re thinking about what to do and planning from your room at The Montcalm Royal London House, read on!

Exit the King

Staged at the National Theatre, Exit the King is a funny and often touching tale of a dying king and the machinations that are going on around him.

Receiving considerable praise during previous runs, Exit the King has returned with a stellar cast, making for some must-see theatre. Rhys Ifans occupies the role of King Berenger, bed-ridden and clinging to life, whilst those around him plot and scheme to secure power after his departure which, needless to say, isn’t coming quickly enough for some people. The various plans, schemes and betrayals accrue over the course of Exit the King, coming to a head and exploding the delicate relationships the various characters maintain.

It’s a great play about a man facing up to his own mortality and wondering what kind of world he will leave behind. You’ll be ideally placed in any of Montcalm’s 5 Star London Hotels, so make sure you see it.

The Star Seekers

Part interactive-play experience and part educational journey, The Star Seekers is the perfect thing for your children if they want a totally unique, eye-opening journey into outer space. Even better, it’s only a short hop from your room at The Montcalm Royal London House.

It’s the ideal activity if your kids are obsessed with space, with the performers attentive and captivating as they lead their diminutive audience on a journey of discovery and adventure. The performance takes the form of three astronauts who need help saving their space station and retrieving certain, vital parts – this is where the audience comes in. It keeps kids entertained and focused, whilst also educating them about the various marvels of the universe, so they get to have fun and learn something at the same time.

It’s amazing fun and an experience your kids won’t forget in a hurry.

BFI Southbank

If you’re going to be exploring the South Bank, there’s no way to do it without visiting the BFI. It’s a London institution and, as well as showing a mix of classic and modern films daily, is also offers a fascinating insight into the history of filmmaking.

The site covers a very big area, with different exhibitions and events always ongoing. On-site is the BFI museum, which displays memorabilia and artefacts covering the whole history of film from it’s earliest beginnings to the modern day. It’s only a very short trip from Montcalm’s 5 Star London Hotels, so it’s easy to get to and well worth the effort.